Using the DJ1 Osmo Mobile gimbal


The DJ1 Osmo is a gimbal – a device that allows you to handhold a camera – in this case an iPhone – and get relatively steady smooth video.

It is NOT as steady as a tripod. But it does allow you to move with the camera without all the shakiness of simply handholding the phone.


Using the DJ1 Osmo

  1. Make sure the DJ1 and your phone are charged. Don’t go out to shoot without charging them both
  2. Download the free DJ1 App
  3. Create a free Account
  4. Balance the phone on the gimbal.(Video Tutorial) Take your time to get this right. It’s a bit finicky. But if it’s not properly balanced you’ll be really frustrated.
  5. Turn on the DJ1 by pressing and holding the power button for 1-2 seconds
  6. Connect the iPhone to the DJ1 (Follow instructions using the app on your phone)
  7. PRACTICE – (Video Tutorial on the basics)
  8. More info – even on how to walk –


  1. For our class we will ALWAYS shoot horizontally (unless otherwise instructed)
  2. Video Resolution – Depending on your model phone you may have options. The iPhone X and later can shoot in HD (1920×1080) or 4K (four times the resolution)
  3. Shooting in 4K will give you much larger files.
    1. The big advantage is you could crop the video either by zooming with the DJ1 or in the editing and still have good quality video.
    2. The big disadvantage is that these large files will take up a lot of room on your phone and may be difficult to edit on an older computer.
    3. I suggest shooting in HD (1920×1080) at 30fps. DON’T shoot at lower resolutions such as 1280×720
      1. If you shoot in HD DON’T zoom using the zoom button on the DJ1. Zoom with your feet by getting physically closer